Meine Buchempfehlung

Types of Decisions

Different types of decisions are

1) Complex Decisions

Some decisions are difficult to make because of the complexity involved, not just in the situation, but also in the organization itself that has to make those decisions. Major part of the difficulty is to determine, what is the optimal behaviour at first place?. For example, developing a model of optimal resource usage to help an organization to make decisions faster.

2) Yes No Decisions

Just like switching on and off a tube-light, neither of the answer yes or no is right or wrong. In most cases, it's just better to make a decision in yes and no. Our most natural answer to the demands that are thrust upon us is yes because deep down inside we all want to be liked, loved and get along with everyone. But sometimes it's desirable to pass the accountability and not let anyone take advantage of it. Its just works in your favor to delay the decision making to avoid taking decision in haste.

3) Evaluative based decision making

Evaluation helps in making informed decisions and serving information needs for the decision makers. However, evaluation needs to be relevant to the interests of decision makers and should be able to suggest clear recommendations for action on the decision maker's part. It demands frequent and prompt communication and feedback between evaluators and decision makers. Inability to give actionable recommendations may result in more and more tensions between the two parties

4) Information search based decision making

From the organization's point of view, you always need to know more than one way to approach a problem. There are two types of information search based on which decision based language: internal and external. In case of internal information search a consumer relies on finding alternatives from his memory, however, in case of external information search a consumer may ask opinion of their friends or even read online reviews.




