It is mostly characterized by the following: Decentralization; allows for different opinions from individuals and these have an effect or influence on the decisions that are going to made in that organization, it is a flexible arrangement where various jobs are clearly defined and the arrangement allows for people to move from one job to another as no one is allowed to specialize on a specific task or job, there is both vertical and horizontal communication- this allows for all to feel part of the organization, there is interdependence among employees, the rules are few and they are well defined and the employees have a right to participate in solving problems that may crop up in the organization.
This organizational structure has challenges which must be met in order to work properly and effectively.
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Wie sind die Aussagen vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher Organisationsstrukturen zu beurteilen, bspw. steile Hierarchien vs. flache Hierarchien?
Inwiefern spielt die Zentralisation, bzw. die Dezentralisation eine Rolle?
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