Meine Buchempfehlung

Understanding Factors That Affect Cross Cultural Operations

What Cultural Conditions Necessary for Patronage?

Indeed, cultures where strong vertical dependency can be seen are prone to this kind of relationship. This also means that the patronage system thrives when there are high power distances. What cultural conditions necessary for patronage aside from vertical dependency?

Another cultural factor where patronage thrives is the lack of certainty. When people feel as if there is no security in their position, they tend to cling to someone who can give them the protection that they need. The need for security in various aspects including employment can be seen in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and it is vital to meet security needs to advance on the ladder. In a culture where people feel unsecured, patronage starts to thrive.
Another factor that can answer what cultural conditions necessary for patronage is low social mobility. The growth of confidence and trust between two parties irrespective of the frequency of their face-to-face interactions are also valuable factors that can result to patronage ties.

In cross cultural management, firm knowledge of what cultural conditions necessary for patronage is valuable to prevent the corruption of the organization. This is also the main reason why it is important to develop core competencies that are necessary for managing people with diverse background and these skills include cultural curiosity which emerges from leaders who do not judge a person’s background and from inclusivity where each member of the organization is not left out.
Realizing what cultural conditions necessary for patronage is valuable not only in preventing corruption in public governance but also in running a global organization where each employee is treated equally and every member of the company has a chance for advancement.




