Meine Buchempfehlung

Child - Ego and Conscious Phantasy II

The whole thrust of the Abraham-Hicks teachings which are so popular today depend on this. Imagine what you want and allow it to happen. This is setting your unfettered imagination to work and then getting your conscious mind out of the way so that your subconscious can actualize it for you.

And a good way to get your conscious mind out of the way is to set it to work visualizing all the benefits which will flow from the change. This gets you into a state of positive expectation as well. For those who need assistance in achieving this, there are many Youtube videos available. Whether you believe in the channelling of a disembodied spirit or not, the psychology behind the advice given is always impeccable and the presentation can really seize the imagination.

Remember, the more emotion you can generate for achieving something, the more you are likely to succeed. You may not always succeed, or may succeed in unexpected ways, but if you are wishy-washy about something you’re not going to try hard and the chance that you will recognize and take opportunities as presented is poor.

In fact, fantasizing something may be an important factor in enabling us, whether as children or later in life, to recognize the implications of an opportunity which presents itself. It has been said that people often stumble on opportunities, but most pick themselves up and hurry on as though nothing has a happened.

A “man of vision” is regarded as a compliment, but simply means that such people have a good imagination and allow themselves to dream grand dreams and accomplish great things. It is perhaps somewhat ironic that vision, which can be regarded as a sign of maturity, is rooted in the Child ego state.

In fact, a lot of psychotherapy is aimed at putting us in touch with the Natural Child as much as practically possible. It seems we are born perfect, are driven away from this natural state and can spend a lot of time trying to return to it. So when you see a child having a "tea-party" with dolls, such play helps prepare a child for a particular role in life and can be very helpful in establishing and revealing a self-image.



