Meine Buchempfehlung

Sexual Identity and Ego Development

Transactional analysis is as much a theory about discovering one’s true identity as it is about communicating with others, for only then one can be comfortable in his own skin and develop sound relationships. A child develops his opinions about himself as he comes in contact with his sexual identity, as he affiliates himself with the parent figure of his gender and learn to act and think the way his model does by imitation.

His opinion of opposite sex is also influenced by his same gender parental figure and he is more likely to adopt it then rebel against it, for example a child who sees his father treating a lady with respect would develop a habit of respecting every women with respect and any behavior contrary to this would be difficult for him to adapt.

Hence not only a child develop his own sexual identity but also hard set rules about the opposite sex, like despite believing that women command respect from men, they unconsciously learn from their environment that somehow woman would always be dependant and needy hence have less intellectual ability than man.

Child ego analysis shows that not only these mild opinions pass down to the Child become part of their personalities  but also that is how taboo and prejudices pass down to the next generations without any deliberate effort.

So before all, one must try to understand and know the Child within and come to terms with its opinions and conventions and then let the Adult decide whether they were accurate or just a product of environmental influences. In doing so, not only you will be able to bring about change in conventional thinking but also discard the age old illogical taboos and superstitions but also equip yourself to deal with the world in a refreshing and impartial manner.


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