Meine Buchempfehlung

Child Ego and Its Kinds

Child ego as explained by Berne in his theory of transactional analysis includes two main kinds of ego, the natural ego or the natural Child and the adapted ego or the adapted Child. The natural Child is the cheerful, impulsive, carefree and imaginative kid who has had a childhood which allowed him to practice these qualities and hence built a full-fledged personality of his Child which resurfaces every now and then from many different motivational sources even after he has grown up.

There is a subset of this natural ego and it is called Intuitive ego or the little professor. A little professor is the smart intuitive kid who handles his environment in a way so that he benefits from it. He not only manipulates people and issues so that he gets what he wants but also he knows when to let the matter go.

Child ego analysis of such children shows that they are not just clever but also imaginative and creative geniuses. They are quicker in understanding the concept of sexual identity and use it for manipulation purposes. The most important aspect of this Child is that even in situations where adult is doubtful Child refuses to let anything stand in its way and reaches out for whatever he is striving for, as it is intuitive it believes in taking risks and has faith in its own intelligence.

Intuitive Child although needs a favorable environment to flourish but it is an innate personality and comes out no matter what. The only influence the environment does have is the degree or the level this child develops and utilizes its potential. On the other hand the adapted Child is the one who is completely opposite to the little professor as adapted Child strives to make everyone else happy except themselves.


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