Meine Buchempfehlung

Child ego- its Efficacy

Child ego is a state when people behave, feel and think in the same way as they did in their childhood. For example, one may react to a poor evaluation at work by pouting, crying or making faces or simply staring at the floor like he did when he was scolded as a child.

On the other hand, on a good evaluation he may act and express his joy and acceptance by giving high fives all around and thanking people for appreciating him. Hence a typical Child ego is a source of creation, expression and recreation and spontaneity.

Of all these qualities, most productive and useful in adult life is creativity which is more likely to flourish if you are able to give free reign to your imagination. Although it may appear as a idealistic and impractical approach towards life yet detailed Child ego analysis reveals that one is more in contact with his conscious fantasy and more likely to pursue his dreams and wishes than in his rational Adult ego mode.

This contact with conscious fantasy is very productive as it not only promotes creativity but also helps to the individual to realize his own potential and discover his hidden skills and put them to use and reach the top level of self actualization as explained in Maslow’s hierarchy of need.

Hence, contrary to the common held belief that Adult ego is the most practical and successful mode for life, for most of the people Child ego may be the stroke of inspiration to achieve not only their dreams and hopes but their purpose of creation which sometimes get lost in the expectations and obligations of being a grown up. Here, we are not denying the importance of here and now approach of Adult ego, rather pointing out the significance of Child ego for creative purposes.


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